6 Different Types of Medical Transportation
June 21, 2022 8:00 pmThere are a lot of different types of medical transportation. It’s not always easy to get to where you want to go. Yet, you should be able to obtain the patient transportation service that you need – regardless of where you’re going, what your disability is, or how far your destination is.
Knowing about the different types of medical transportation will make it easier to understand that help is available – and what to ask for when you want to book transportation to the hospital or anywhere else.
1. Gurney Transportation
Gurney transportation involves when a patient is either on a gurney or a stretcher. This is common for those who are either bed-ridden or cannot move into a sitting position. In some instances, it is more comfortable for a patient to travel via gurney or stretcher.
Door-to-door transportation is critical for anyone arriving on a gurney, which is why it’s important to choose the right patient transportation service.
At Around the Sound, we have a fleet of over 80 vehicles, many of which are capable of providing you with the non-emergency transportation that you require in and around Tacoma, WA.
2. Wheelchair/Scooter Transportation
Wheelchairs and scooters provide a significant amount of mobility. However, they cannot be used to go long distances. It’s why transportation services need to be able to accommodate a wheelchair or scooter.
Every patient is different. Some patients can be moved into a vehicle seat while others cannot. Much of it depends on the need of the patient and the various hookups.
Stability is critical when transporting a patient of any size or medical need. A lot of new innovations exist to make it easier for patients to travel. And at Around the Sound, we have incorporated many of them.
We have a fleet of vehicles that can accommodate a number of patient accessibility options ranging from walkers to scooters to wheelchairs.
3. Ambulatory Transportation
Transportation to the hospital is critical. When you require medical transportation, but it isn’t an emergency enough to call (and pay for) an ambulance, you can request ambulatory transportation. This provides quick and efficient transportation to the hospital of your choosing. It allows you to remain in control of who provides your healthcare services.
Ambulances will often take you to the nearest hospital – and that may either be out of your healthcare network or simply be unacceptable.
If it isn’t a medical emergency, ambulatory transportation is a great solution – and many patients trust our drivers at Around the Sound. We’ll help you get to the hospital safely so that you can seek the medical attention that you need.
4. Dementia/Cognitive Transportation
Not all patients have the ability to simply be transported to their destination. Some require constant support and supervision due to dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other cognitive issues.
Some patients can become confused when they are removed from a familiar location. Others may not know why they are going to a particular facility.
Transporting these kinds of patients requires more attention so that they can be observed to and from their appointments. It can limit transportation options in many instances. At Around the Sound, we have specially trained drivers who can provide the support. Many of our drivers are experienced with Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients along with special needs patients who may have an array of both physical and cognitive issues.
The goal is always to create a safe environment for patients to be transported to where they need to go. We offer a comfortable ride as well as all of the attention and support that a patient needs throughout the entirety of their travel.
5. Non-Ambulatory Transportation for Veterans and Others
Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) is available to anyone and everyone who simply cannot drive. Additionally, it’s important to know that not all forms of public transportation can accommodate various needs. Veterans, elderly individuals, and those with special needs require a number of transportation services.
It’s possible to seek non-ambulatory transportation regardless of where you’re going. And Around the Sound can ensure that all of your needs are met along the way.
We can provide transportation to such places as:
- VA medical centers
- Dialysis Centers
- Doctor offices and care facilities
- Cancer and Chemotherapy appointments
- Physical Therapy
- Airports and train stations
- Sporting Events
- Special events
If there’s any safety or health concern that needs to be taken into consideration when you travel, we can accommodate you to get you to where you need to go with the equipment you need..
6. Long-Distance Non-Ambulatory Transportation
At Around the Sound, we service the entire I-5 and I-90 corridors. Traveling throughout the area can be difficult because of the long rural gaps in very rural area that are along the way. If you live in a rural area and wish to travel, it’s critical that you can depend on long-distance non-ambulatory transportation.
Even if you are within an urban area within the your area, there may be extended areas you want to reach – such as Southern California, Oregon, Washington, and beyond.
You should never allow your health or safety to prevent you from seeking the care that you want. If you need medical care outside of the Tacoma area or you wish to travel to see friends and family, we can accommodate you.
We have a large number of NEMT resources to ensure you get anywhere you want to go. Once you know where you’re going, we’ll work on the logistics to get you there quickly and safely.
Determining the Right Transportation
While public transportation has come a long way, it doesn’t offer the door-to-door personalized transportation that many need. Regardless of whether you are elderly, bariatric, memory issues or special needs, you have the right to move about freely – it’s a human right.
At Around the Sound, we are committed to providing you with the opportunity to travel safely and effectively. Whether it’s to a doctor’s office, a special event, or even the airport, we have a fleet of vehicles to help.
Our safe and dependable travel is full-service – from home to the hospital and back again – and anywhere that a patient may need to go in-between.
Contact us today to learn which form of medical transportation will meet your needs in the most efficient manner possible.
Categorised in: blog, Medical Transportation
This post was written by Around The Sound
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